Aslan Human rights policy

Last Updated: 09/08/2024

1. Our commitment to human rights

At Aslan, we believe that our business can only thrive when human rights are protected and respected. Upholding these rights isn’t just a legal or ethical requirement—it’s fundamental to who we are as a company and how we operate in the world.


2. Our approach

We’re guided by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). We are committed to respecting all internationally recognised human rights that are relevant to our operations.
When there’s a difference between national laws and international human rights standards, we will always strive to adhere to the higher standard. If there’s a conflict, we’ll follow national laws while seeking ways to honour international human rights as much as possible.


3. Ongoing responsibility

Respecting human rights isn’t a one-time task; it’s an ongoing responsibility. We pay special attention to critical moments in our business activities, such as forming new partnerships or changing our operations. These situations may present new risks or impacts on human rights, and we are committed to addressing them proactively.
Our business is set to grow quickly. We recognise that the foundations we lay now are crucial for future-proofing our company. This means that even at our current size, we take special care to adhere to these human rights principles, ensuring that they remain a core part of our company culture as we expand. By embedding these values from the beginning, we aim to build a business that scales responsibly and ethically.


4. Communication and inclusivity

We know the importance of open communication. We make it a priority to keep our employees and external partners informed and educated on our policies and business practice. Especially those who might be more vulnerable to human rights risks. We are committed to listening to and addressing any concerns that may arise.


5. Ethical Labour Practices

We are committed to inclusive recruitment and internal mobility best practice, and have implemented TalentMapper, a recruitment and employee-enablement software system to help remove bias from external and internal hiring processes. We expect other Aslan stakeholders to embrace this commitment as well.
Discrimination, forced labour, human trafficking, and child labour have no place in our operations. We are dedicated to providing safe and hygienic working conditions, respecting the dignity of every individual, and upholding the rights to freedom of association, collective bargaining, and effective communication. Our staff are well paid (well above the UK’s living wage) and we ensure that working hours are reasonable.


6. Responsible contracting

Our client portfolio is diverse, and we recognise the role our clients play in the success of our business. We run due diligence and adverse media checks on all our clients to assess potential misaligned values regarding respect for human rights, including labour rights.


7. Addressing Human Rights Impacts

We are committed to identifying and addressing any potential or actual adverse impacts on human rights, whether directly through our activities or indirectly through our business relationships.


8. Ensuring Remedy

When human rights issues arise, we are committed to ensuring effective remedy. We encourage open and honest communication within Aslan and with our clients and stakeholders. Anyone can raise concerns without fear of retribution, using our traditional contact channels. We take every issue seriously, review it thoroughly, and take appropriate action.